
Introducing CopyTools 2.0

As with most software, CopyTools is by no means flawless, and recent (internal) builds compounded the issue rather than improving it. Although it was originally supposed to support remote sources such as FTP servers and Azure blob storage, the model was too rigid and in order to add this support would require massive changes to the program's core, instead of supporting the extensibility model that most Cyotek products offer. As a result of this, for the last few months we've essentially ignored all other products while we worked on what has now become CopyTools version 2 and we can now offer the first alpha build of version 2.0.

Richard Moss

.NET 4.6 is now required for all Cyotek products

Now that Microsoft have ended support for .NET 3.5 and 4.5, it's time to move all Cyotek products to use .NET 4.6.

Richard Moss

Introducing nightly builds

With various (in theory) safeguards in place, and concious that sometimes there is quite a delay between official releases, we've decided to have the latest CI build for supported products automatically uploaded to each day, allowing adventurous end users to get access to fixes sooner than normal releases.

Richard Moss